Latest Episodes

E133 Marc Fletcher: No-code Advocate
Marc Fletcher is a Housing Brickwork Quantity Surveyor. A Spreadsheet Coach. A No-code Advocate & An Automation Builder. Twitter: @IndustrialMarc

E132 Jon Werner: CEO @ KOYA Innovations Inc
Jon Werner is CEO at KOYA Innovations Inc and the father of 3 daughters, growing stronger and stronger a marriage of 36 years. Jon...

E131 Angelina Montanez: Self-Taught UI/UX Designer
Angelina Montanez is a self-taught UI/UX Designer. A Founding Member of Baddies In Tech: - a community of black and brown women empowering the...

E130 Nick Sterlacci: VC @ Nanban Ventures
From Adelphi University to Morgan Stanley, APG Asset Management, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Nick Sterlacci is previously the founder of Polliticly, and currently a...

E129 Courtney Werner: CMO & Co-Founder @ KOYA Innovations, Inc
Courtney Werner is a Samba admirer, an adventure enthusiast, a Multi-disciplinary artist, and the CMO & Co-Founder @ KOYA Innovations, Inc. Twitter: @CourtneyRuthW @givekoya...

E128 John Caffier: Founder & CEO of jocapps
John Caffier loves science, people, and innovations. He is the founder of jocapps and a serial entrepreneur while being the maker of products like...