Joshua Johnson is a tattoo artist who turned Maker after his small business was hurt by the pandemic. His idea is to use NoCode Tools in helping coaches schedule discovery calls and follow-up with their leads, and receive a fair fee for these services. Together, we explore the challenges he faced, the right niche to target, his offer, and whether the right next move is to: PIVOT.
His Website:
His Instagram:
Courtney Werner is a Samba admirer, an adventure enthusiast, a Multi-disciplinary artist, and the CMO & Co-Founder @ KOYA Innovations, Inc. Twitter: @CourtneyRuthW @givekoya...
Meri Wilson is the Solo founder of Earthfound, helping small teams to build their golden formula for brand and marketing. Her Twitter: @Meri_Earthfound Website: ...
Eric Melchor is is the Host of the fun startup podcast - Innovators Can Laugh, with over 50 Episodes. He enjoys his expat works...