Harris Robin Kalash is creating the most advanced No-Code training ever: Giving you the power of Code with No-Code tools. Harris is a former CTO, an instructor at Concordia Bootcamps Human Centered Code School, and the host of React Native Radio Podcast. In this Episode, we brainstorm the right marketing for this upcoming training.
His Twitter: https://twitter.com/nomadicspoon
Medium: https://medium.com/@harrisrobin
#007 The Coronavirus has currently made all human contact dangerous. The basis for such social isolation is fear.The problem is, such fear of human...
Taylor Robichaud is the growth developer at Variance. Variance helps companies convert their prospects faster and identify expansion opportunities they didn't know existed. Website:...
Taras Baker is the Founder & Chief Engineer at Erised, a No-Code software development studio specialized in developing custom web apps on Bubble. Web: ...