Lois Koffi is a mom, a fairly new online marketer forced to pivot because of the pandemic, and a highly experienced sales trainer and speaker.
Coaches/speakers/authors and podcasters hire her to help them pivot with excellence in sales and lead generation mastery through organic methods to get to 5 figures or more per month through their voice being seen AND heard online.
Her Gifts for you:
www.dailycompassandguide.com - This is her time & lead management documents helping salespeople stay FOCUSED and on track for their best life.
www.listbuildwithlois.com - 4HR Email List Building & Tribe Building course. Exclusive Promo Code: LISTBUILD
Lucie Baratte is the Art director & co-founder at Logology, helping you get a designer-quality logo for your startup, in 5 minutes. Lucie specializes...
#020 Danavir is a DTC analyst that helps eCommerce businesses grow. This includes popular 7 and 8 brands like Kettle & Fire and Drink02....
Kelly Claus is Building with & teaching for Bubble, she is a Dev at Swapstack, a Fangirl of Coda & Webflow, an ONDC2 fellow...