Latest Episodes

The StoryBonding (Controversial?) Beliefs Manifesto 2020
#019 Beliefs are important. They can shape our reality, destroy our possibilities, limit our creativity, or open the door for us to create the...

The Truth About Poverty Consciousness & Scarcity Mindsets
#018 The biggest obstacle stopping many people from success today is Poverty Consciousness & Scarcity Mindsets.What are the reason deep reasons why Poverty Consciousness...

What Can Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Teach Us About Productivity In 2020?
#017 Many people allow how they feel to affect their productivity. Even worse, they procrastinate thinking they need to first let go of their...

Is It Possible To Be A Happy Successful Marketer?!
#016 I believe the most important thing in life is to have as many moments of warm happiness as possible. However, many people forget...

Why Masterful Marketing Is A Meta-Story
#15 Most marketers approach marketing the wrong way. They view it as selling. So, they know people have a problem that is frustrating them,...

How To Succeed As An Authentic Marketer In The 2020s
#014 Many people think they need to pretend to be someone else to do great marketing. So they copy others, swipe from what they...