Felix Wong is an entrepreneur, a community builder and a growth hacker based in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. He is the Head of Growth at AngelHub, the growth manager at WHub, and a Mentor at GrowthMentor.
In this episode, we discuss the marketing and messaging of VenturesList. VenturesList is designed to help early-stage founders make their first funding round a huge success.
Listen and discover more.
Website: https://ventureslist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/felix12777
A special episode helping Deepika and Sonia with marketing their No-Code ideas. Sonia is a No-Code beginner, solo female traveler, and photographer from the...
GaryVee Does 4 Things You Can Use Today To Get Results."Getting Lucky" is not a viable strategy for acquiring new customers and converting more...
#009 Most people fail miserably at influencing and persuading others. This terribly limits their lives because they'll be facing failure after failure, and rejection...