A special episode helping Deepika and Sonia with marketing their No-Code ideas. Sonia is a No-Code beginner, solo female traveler, and photographer from the UK. Deepika is a former executive turned creator who is betting on herself to make create her No-Code success and supporting other makers in doing so. Both are a great female No-Code Maker Duo from an Indian heritage.
Sonia, Twitter: @BKSsonia
Deepika, Twitter: @deepika_rn
Ernesto Verdugo is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker, TEDx Speaker, Corporate Trainer, 247th Most Traveled Person in the World. Ernesto helps You Gain Visibility, Become...
Taylor Robichaud is the growth developer at Variance. Variance helps companies convert their prospects faster and identify expansion opportunities they didn't know existed. Website:...
#002 The story structures taught to you are meant originally for scriptwriters. Scriptwriters take 3-6 months to write the first draft of their script....