Colin Winhall is a Customer Experience Manager at Adalo, as well as a Maker, Problem Solver, Entrepreneur, NoCode Evangelist, and eSports Enthusiast.
In this episode, we discuss Oxus: A NoCode Marketplace where Makers can split the cost of expensive subscriptions with other Makers they trust, especially in poorer countries with less money & less opportunities.
Oxus Website:
Colin Winhall Twitter:
Marian Voicu is the CEO at PROCESIO. He is a NoCode Evangelist, and is currently steering the PROCESIO team so that it becomes the...
Joshua Tiernan is the founder of No Code Founders, the Number 1 No Code Slack community and platform for non-technical founders and entrepreneurs with...
#027 This one wrong assumption can kill all your hopes to become a great storyteller.It's hidden, lurking in the shadows, to kill all your...