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Coronavirus / COVID-19: How The Corona Threat Will Forever Change The Way Business Is Done -- Critical Knowledge For the 2020s
#007 The Coronavirus has currently made all human contact dangerous. The basis for such social isolation is fear.The problem is, such fear of human...

How To Find The Cool New Business Idea That Will Make You Money (Niche Selection)
#005 The standard advice for selecting a business niche is wrong. They tell you to search through forums, read through blog comments, and talk...

The New Way To Attract Good Clients Without Pursuing Or Trying -- What Works in Business in the 2020s
#006 Many business people try to get clients the wrong way. They think that by trying to get business, by instigating, initiating, and inviting...

Why Timelines Create True Human Bonding in Your Marketing and in All Your Relationships
#003 Marketers, today, when they want to move into storytelling and to add personality to their marketing... they either brag about their success or...

The Weird Reason Your Personal Perspective is Marketing Gold (Increase Your Marketing Confidence For The 2020s)
#004 Most people nowadays focus on sharing information. That information may be amazing, but it's a little bit too sterile. Yes, people will take...

How to Use the X-Squared Simple Story Structure
#002 The story structures taught to you are meant originally for scriptwriters. Scriptwriters take 3-6 months to write the first draft of their script....