Latest Episodes

Positioning DeConstruction: Brian Johnson + Marco D'Elia (Case Study)
#031 Insightful Case Study: Look over my shoulder as I deconstruct then re-construct the positioning of Brian Johnson + Marco D'Elia.This Episode will be...

PewdiePie VS Sasha Grey -- The Final Death-Match
#030 It's an epic battle...Head to head: PwediePie VS Sasha Grey...Who will be the real winner?And what lessons can you learn from this BOSS...

Pablo Picasso, 01 Cheeky Woman & The Day I Almost Died
#029 What did the cheeky woman say to Picasso in public?How does this relate to saving the UK from the Nazis in WWII?And how...

Elon Musk, 'No Time To Die', And The Humiliation of Successful-Failures
#028 What's the hidden link between Elon Musk and the delay of 'No Time To Die'? The Answer is in this episode.Plus: The new...

One Wrong Assumption, Deep Sabotage, And 95% of Storytelling Mistakes
#027 This one wrong assumption can kill all your hopes to become a great storyteller.It's hidden, lurking in the shadows, to kill all your...

The 3 Hidden No-Ps That Are Destroying New Online Coaching Businesses Today
#026 Are you doing any of these 3 sneaky mistakes that 95% of New Coaches do? They're the 3 Online Coaching Business Destroyers that...